Vapefly TGO Replacement Coils
- 5 x Replacement coils in either 0.3, 0.6bohm and RBA Coils
RTA’s and RDA’s are both types of RBA. The RTA (Rebuildable Tank Atomizer) is a tank system and the RDA (Rebuildable Drip Atomizer) or RDTA (Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomizer) is a dripper system. With rebuildables, you “build” your own coil. In other words, you physically wrap a coil, attach it to the system and add a wick. There are many different builds, each one depending on the RBA type and the desired vape the user wishes to achieve.
What are the benefits to using RBAs?
The main benefit to RTAs and RDAs is that you can build your own coils to your desired resistance.Before store-bought “drop in coils” became widely available, RBAs were the only way to get a high-performance vape. Today, RBAs are used by purists who want to calibrate their vape to their exact preference and for those who wish to vape as cheaply as possible.