Jomo Dark Knight Honour 3 in 1 Accessory
Quick Overview
The Dark Knight Honour is the second in a series of premium luxury vaporizers made by Jomotech. Considered a hybrid between a glass pipe and portable vaporizer, this device features an LCD temperature control ranging from 100 to 580 degrees Fahrenheit, which allows the user to gauge the most ideal vaporizing temperatures, without causing overheating or combustion to occur.
Temperature settings are shown by a red, green, and blue LED lighting mechanism, indicating the exact temperatures for dry herb, wax, and e-liquid use.
This unique device comes equipped with a replaceable ceramic heating tank that can fill approximately 0.2g of dry herb, as well as a small glass bullet that can be used in combination with wax or e-liquids.
This multi-faceted vaporizer also has an automatic shutdown feature at 5 minutes maximum, which assists with safety and the preservation of the device’s battery life.
Package Contents:
- Dark Knight Honour MouthPiece Only
- Ceramic tank heating, revolutionary fly over heating coil any ceramic stick
- Replaceable ceramic tank
- Seperate spacer in ceramic tank to seperate dry herbs with ceramic, much more healthier
- Easy using system
- Glass drip stock smoke system
- All heating elements do not have any plastic, much more safer and healthier
- Air insulation, excellent insulation effect
- No tar,or other carcinogenic
- Smoke anytime,anywhere
- 3 in 1: Dry herb,Waxy Oils, E-Liquid
- Not suitable for use by anyone under the age of 18
- Not suitable for pregnant or breast feeding women
- I have an effective age verification process that satisfies due diligence as described in the business companion guide for online age verification checks and will not sell to persons that are under 18 years old.